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Page last modified: Jul 29 2021.

This guide explains how to set up a Docker-based development environment for building and developing Dave repository and related software.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Follow these steps to install required utilities on your host system.

Install Docker

Install Rocker

Check pip version with, pip --version, if it’s based on python version 2, then install pip3 with sudo apt install python3-pip

  • Install Rocker (the Open Robotics Docker CLI)
    # Install rocker
    pip3 install rocker
    # Double check rocker installation to be the latest version
    pip3 install --force-reinstall git+
    # Add path of pip3 installation to PATH
    echo "export PATH=\"`python3 -m site --user-base`/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
    # Load new PATH
    source ~/.bashrc
    # Check rocker version
    rocker --verion

Step 2: Build and run

Once you’ve installed the dependencies, you can build your Docker development environment with the following commands:

# Start from wherever you want (Recommend your home directory)
# Clone dockwater package which contains configurations to run Dave in Docker environment with Rocker CLI
git clone
cd dockwater
# Build the Docker image for the ROS Noetic environment (this may take a while, upto 20 or more minutes)
./build.bash noetic
# Run the Docker image for the ROS Noetic environment (this may take a while, upto 5 minutes)
./run.bash dockwater:noetic
# When done, you are now in a Docker container with the ROS Noetic environment running Ubuntu 22.04 Focal LTS. Check with,
lsb_release -a
# You can now run ROS commands, e.g.
rosversion -d
# You can also run Gazebo, e.g.
gazebo --version

If the above is successful, you should end up with a command prompt opened into the Docker container. Your user information will be the same and your home directory will be mounted and accessible within the container.

OPTIONAL: GPU Multibeam sonar

- DO NOT INCLUDE THIS if you are not using multibeam sonar.
- It require CUDA Library and NVIDIA driver along with the NVIDIA graphics card that supports CUDA feature.

For instructions and plugin details : Multibeam Forward-Looking Sonar

# Clone docker package with CUDA support
# if you have already cloned dockwater package, skip this step
git clone -b cuda-dev
cd dockwater
# Change to cuda-dev branch which contains configurations to run Dave in Docker environment with CUDA support
git checkout cuda-dev
# Build the Docker image for the ROS Noetic environment (this may take a while, upto 30 or more minutes. It takes long to download and install CUDA libraries)
./build.bash noetic
# Run the Docker image for the ROS Noetic environment  (this may take a while, upto 5 minutes)
./run.bash -c dockwater:noetic
# When done, you are now in a Docker container with CUDA support


  • The build.bash and run.bash scripts may take a few minutes the first time they run.
  • Code for the Docker development images is hosted in the dockwater repository. See the repository wiki for more information about this project and supported use cases.

Next: Get the Source Code